
Allele has three vectors for scoring a student or team’s work:

  1. Automatic scoring, awarding points based on whether the provided answer is correct, and optionally what attempt it is.
  2. On-submit scoring, awarding a static amount for completion, not correctness.
  3. Manual scoring, done by instructors via the gradebook.

Automatic scoring

Automatic scoring is supported on the following blocks, with support for additional blocks planned for the future:

  • Multiple-choice question
  • Checkboxes

For any block that can be automatically scored, there are a variety of scoring options that will determine the student’s experience when interacting with your question:

  1. Correct responses 2. Requires a correct and incorrect points value and awards one or the other accordingly.
  2. Attempt until correct 3. Student or teams respond to the question until it is correct 4. There are two ways of scoring this: 1. Deduction 2. Requires a correct points value, a deduction per attempt value, and a minimum points to award. 3. Points per attempt, 4. Entered as a comma separated list of points to award, such as “5,3,2,1”. In this example, if the student responds correctly on the first attempt, they’ll be awarded 5 points. If it was the second it would be 3 points, third attempt is 2 points, the fourth or more attempts would award 1 point.

Phase-wide versus block level

Automatic scoring can be added at two different layers in Allele, based on what you need for your particular phase:

  1. Phase-wide scoring, which configures all scorable blocks to use the same scoring rules.
  2. Per-block scoring, which allows for configuration of scoring rules for a selected block.

Both methods can be used together, with per-block scoring superseding phase-wide scoring when both are present.


Generally, you want to minimize the number of times you configure settings in any given phase. Use - and blend - phase-wide and per-block scoring to minimize how many things you have to maintain.

On-submit scoring

With on-submit scoring, the system will require that each question has a response provided, but it does not evaluate if the student or team’s answer is correct. This is commonly used for low-stakes assessments, like pre-work, to award points for completion.

On-submit scoring is configured in the builder and is only a phase-wide setting.


Overrides all other forms of scoring.

Manual scoring

Manual scoring is commonly used in tandem with longer, more qualitative student responses, like an essay or a writing assignment. When manual scoring, you are able to provide a single, representative score for the phase or score each block individually.

Manual scoring is done via a Teach case’s gradebook.
